conserving water

My Final WebQuest is complete!

Check it out! I have finally finished completing my first WebQuest!

Here is the link to my site. It was a HUGE project, but I am glad I have this as a resource. It was so much fun and I cannot wait to see the final product in action. I am looking forward to testing my ideas out on students. I hope that they find this project useful and meaningful, because of the implications water scarcity has on Earth now. I am not sure if humans really realize just how much water we use everyday! And the more products that we demand (food and materialistic items) then the more that is being used. Those who have water tend to take it for granted, and those without water get taken for granted (from millions dying of water borne diseases). It is a serious problem that we need to face for our future before Armageddon really does exist. Reaching out to 1 person can make a difference.

Here is the video that explains my creation: